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Ev.-luth. St. Jakobuskirche Pesterwitz
Zur Jakobuskirche 3
01705 Freital / Pesterwitz

Phone: 0351 / 650 33 41
Fax: 0351/658 50 163

Website St. Jakobuskirche Pesterwitz
Directions by car
Directions by tram

The parish of Pesterwitz celebrated 100 years of parish in 2006. The tradition of a parish, mountain and pilgrimage church in this place has been going on for 900 years. The Dresden architect Woldemar Kandler (1866-1929) made a name for himself by building several churches in Saxony before he designed the St. Jakobus Church in 1905 after the previous building was demolished in 1478. In terms of style, Kandler refined his mix of historicism in the parish church in Pesterwitz, where he achieved his acoustic masterpiece in terms of construction. Musicians and guests of the “Pesterwitz Concerts” series confirmed Pastor Matthias Koch the excellent acoustics in the entire nave with space for 600 people.

Pesterwitz, picturesquely situated on a hill between the Weißeritz and the Elbe valley, lives mainly from viticulture and agriculture.


Anreise mit dem Auto
Starten Sie hier den
Autobahnabfahrt Dresden-Gorbitz von der A 17

Hier finden Sie die Parkmöglichkeiten

Anreise mit Bus und Bahn
Bitte geben Sie "Zur Jakobuskirche 3, Freital" als Zielpunkt in das Formular ein.
Bus: DVB-Linie 90 von Dresden sowie RVD-Linien D und 337 von Freital bis Haltestelle "Dorfplatz Pesterwitz"